The job Engineer - Process Engineering Office has expired.
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Best-available-technology in high efficiency Biomass Boilers

When you join BWE you will be part of an innovative and multicultural engineering organization, receiving continous training to develop your full potential.

Your main responsibilities:

  • Establish heat and mass balances of energy process and the overall process layout of a boiler.
  • Specify technical process requirements to the boiler related equipment and establish process guarantees for contracts.
  • Develop new models and participate in keeping our in-house software related to process calculations at the cutting edge.

Professional profile:

  • M.Sc. in Energy Engineering or similar
  • Thermodynamics and heat transfer
  • Mathematical modelling
  • Working experience in power generation an advantage
  • Combustion and energy processes
  • Process simulation
  • Familiar with one or more high level programming languages (ex .NET or Fortran)
  • Speak and write Danish and English

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