The job Student Programmer for the Behavioral Laboratory at Department of Business & Management. has expired.
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Student Programmer for the Behavioral Laboratory at Department of Business & Management.

 As a student assistant who programs games for the behavioral laboratory, you will be working about 7 hours a week. 

We prioritize a high degree of work commitment, but we allow for flexibility in periods with extra workload, e.g., during submission or exam periods. Your primary task is to develop software programs and interactive games that are used to conduct individual-level and group-level laboratory experiments in SDU’s behavioral laboratory.

You are analytically strong, pay attention to details and you are capable of finding solutions to analytical problems. Ideally, you have experience with web development, data management, and programming in PYTHON. 

You have experience in organizing and administering projects – within a team but also independently. You are in the late stage of your bachelor degree studies or you just started your master. Applicants must be enrolled as student at SDU.

Start of employment: As soon as possible.

Application deadline: 30th June 2024

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