The job Project assistant (student job) has expired.
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We are looking for a student assistant with strong skills in project management and coordination to join our team.

Copenhagen Capacity is offering a student position of 15 hours a week in our Project Management Team, in the area of talent attraction. You will primarily be working with project management and controlling of our EU Social Fund projects, for example by participating in meetings and assisting in realizing project activities.

Areas of responsibility:

  • Project management of an EU Social Fund project
  • Reporting and documentation of project activities to the Danish Business Authority (Erhvervsstyrelsen)
  • Community management of the internal project intranet (SharePoint) – write articles and send newsletters to partners
  • Coordinating and participating in meetings in various projects
  • Ad hoc research projects

To fit the position, you are:

  • In the final years of your bachelor’s degree or the first year of your Master’s Degree
  • Analytical and detail-oriented
  • Interested in working with complex projects
  • Outgoing and proactive
  • Proficient in Danish and English both verbally and in writing
  • Proficiency in Office 365 and HubSpot (or a similar CMS-system) is an advantage

We offer:
Copenhagen Capacity works to promote Greater Copenhagen internationally to attract and retain foreign companies, investments, and talent. We are promoting Greater Copenhagen as Northern Europe's most attractive study- and work destination and to improve the conditions for highly skilled international workers, researchers, and students in Greater Copenhagen.

You will be working with exciting and varied job tasks within attracting and retaining international talent and gain unique insight into the Danish business sector through our large network of corporate partners.

You will join a challenging and dynamic international working environment with the opportunity to gain knowledge in talent attraction, social media marketing and international networks. The team is always working together to solve tasks across different projects and activities and there is a great social and professional cohesion both within the talent team and between the students across departments.

The position a student job for 12-15 hours per week but we are of course flexible in regard to e.g. exam periods.

How to apply:
Please send your application by June 21st, 2024. The successful candidate will be expected to start in August. Interviews will be held ongoingly during June. If you want to know more about the student position, please contact Head of PMO, Dagmar Irgang

We look forward to hearing from you!

Please write in your application that you've seen the job on Jobfinder.